Local Job Portal Study
Study led to creation of Grand Erie job board
The Workforce Planning Board launched a local job portal called Grand Erie Jobs in 2020.
Grand Erie Jobs is an innovative job search tool designed to connect local job seekers to local employers and community services.
The portal was launched after a 2019 study and community discussions showed there was a demand from businesses and residents of Brantford, Brant, Haldimand, Norfolk, Six Nations and New Credit.
Businesses, employment services and economic development agencies in these communities said they missed having a local job board. Our research showed that businesses preferred in most cases to hire local workers.
Grand Erie Jobs is based on a job portal created by Workforce Windsor Essex, that has been adopted by a number of other workforce boards in Ontario.
Grand Erie Jobs contains a suite of tools to help anyone looking for a job or wanting to learn about different occupations and careers. Software searches for online job postings and lists them on a job board and locates them on a jobs map, which also shows the location of 400 community services. People can use a third tool called Career Explorer to learn about 500 occupations, including if the occupation is in demand and information on local wages.