Workforce Gateway

Welcome to the Workforce Gateway

The Workforce Gateway is an easy-to-use information guide that connects you to hundreds of local work and business resources – from job hunting, skills building, education and work-related needs such as transit and day care to running a business, hiring, government programs and much more.

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Workforce Gateway

Let us help you find job-related programs and services in Brantford, Six Nations, New Credit, Brant, Haldimand and Norfolk. Make a selection below to begin.

The online job boards listed below show local jobs near you. Start by clicking on the blue title. Explore additional job boards farther below.

Grand Erie Jobs – Job Board
Search dozens of online job boards at once using our region’s largest job search site.
Grand Erie Jobs – Job Map
Shows the location of local jobs in relation to where you live, bus routes, day cares and community services.

    Find information online or meet with career counsellors who can help you decide on a career.
    Make a selection below.

    Grand Erie Jobs – Career Explorer
    Learn about career paths and skills requirements for different occupations.
    Grand Erie Jobs – Occupation Finder
    Learn about specific occupations, including demand from local employers and wages.
    Grand Erie Jobs – Industry Search
    Learn about different industries and identify Grand Erie employers in those industries.

      Understanding the local job market can tell you:

      • What occupations are in highest demand
      • What companies hire specific occupations
      • Job market trends & challenges
      • Local wages and more

      Make a selection below.

      Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie
      We are experts on the job market in Brantford, Six Nations, New Credit, Brant, Haldimand and Norfolk. We monitor the labour market and talk regularly with employers, job seekers and community leaders. We created the Workforce Gateway and Grand Erie Jobs.
      City of Brantford – Labour Market Data
      Provides statistical reports on the labour market in the Brantford-Brant area, using data from Statistics Canada.

    • Public libraries provide free access to the internet and other resources to assist you with your research.

      Public libraries are used by many people to look for work or to research the local labour market. Libraries provide access to the Internet, computers and online learning, and library staff can help people find information.

      Make a selection below.

        Many local organizations can help you search for jobs, connect with employers, prepare for job interviews, write resumes and more. Employment Ontario agencies offer these services at no charge.
        Make a selection below. Need help finding an Employment Ontario agency near you? Click HERE to see them on a map.

          Many local organizations help people with disabilities or barriers connect to training, search for jobs, write resumes, connect with employers, prepare for job interviews, and assist with other supports. Employment Ontario agencies offer these services at no charge.

          Make a selection below.

            Make a selection below.
            Need help finding a staffing agency near you? Click HERE to see them on a map.

              Employment Insurance (EI) provides temporary income support to unemployed workers while they look for work or to upgrade their skills. EI also provides financial support to workers who take time off work due to specific life events, including pregnancy, raising a newborn and caring for a critically ill person. Workers receive EI benefits only if they have paid premiums and meet eligibility rules.

              Click on the link below:

              Employment Insurance – Government of Canada

              The Ontario government may provide financial assistance and employment support if you don’t have enough money for things like food and housing, or if you have a disability and are in financial need.

              Make a selection below.

              Ontario Government – Social Assistance Information Page
              Learn if you qualify for social assistance and see how to apply for Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP).

              Need help finding an Ontario Works office near you? Click HERE to see them on a map.
              Need help finding an ODSP office near you? Click HERE to see them on a map.

                Let us help you find business services and programs in Brantford, Six Nations, New Credit, Brant, Haldimand and Norfolk. Make a selection below to begin.

                There are many organizations in our area that provide information, resources, advice, services and networking opportunities for businesses, often at no cost. Make a selection below

                You can also visit HERE to find local chambers of commerce and other business associations. Need help finding business supports close to you? Click HERE to see them on a map.

                  Governments offer loans and grants to help businesses start or grow, launch new products, expand markets, train employees and more. Each program will have its own eligibility rules and application process. A number of local organizations provide assistance.

                  Make a selection below.

                    Learn about government regulations for the Employment Standards Act, Occupational Health & Safety, WSIB and other labour rules.

                    Make a selection below.

                      Publicly funded Employment Ontario agencies and private staffing firms can assist businesses looking to hire. They may refer clients, organize job fairs, advertise openings, screen applicants, help with job interviews and more.

                      Make a selection below.

                      Need help finding an Employment Ontario agency near you? Click HERE to see them on a map.

                        Need help finding a staffing agency near you? Click HERE to see them on a map.

                          Learn about ideas and best practices for employee attraction and retention.

                          Make a selection below.

                            There are services, programs and financial supports available that can assist employers who are looking to train employees.

                            Make a selection below.

                              Find information on Ontario’s apprenticeship system, how to hire an apprentice and on government financial supports, such as tax credits. Hiring apprentices can help some businesses meet their staffing needs.

                              Make a selection below.

                                There are many ways for businesses to connect with other businesses in their community, including joining business groups and participating in events.

                                Make a selection below.

                                  Let us help you find education and training options in Brantford, Six Nations, New Credit, Brant, Haldimand and Norfolk. Make a selection below to begin.

                                  Adult learners who want to earn their high school credential have several options.

                                  The Ontario High School Credit program provides learners with the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. It is a requirement for university, college and many jobs. For information, click HERE
                                  The General Education Development (GED) certificate shows that you have the equivalent of high school knowledge. A GED may qualify you for certain jobs and skills training. For information about GED, click HERE
                                  The Academic Career Entrance (ACE), or academic upgrading, program is accepted as a high school diploma for the purposes of entering one of Ontario’s public colleges. For information about ACE, click HERE

                                  To get local help, make a selection below.

                                    There are many local agencies that can help you improve everyday skills needed in the workplace, including reading, writing, math and computer skills.
                                    Make a selection below.
                                    Need help finding services close to you? Click HERE to see them on a map.

                                    Digital Literacy Library
                                    Find free online tools, resources and websites in Ontario that can help you build digital literacy skills.

                                      There is a huge demand for people to work in the skilled trades, many of which require you to start as an apprentice. Apprenticeship training is available from local training centres and colleges.

                                      Make a selection below.

                                      Ontario Government – Apprenticeship Information Page
                                      Learn about how to get a job in the skilled trades and apply for grants and incentives for apprentices.

                                      Make a selection below.

                                        There are many local schools and training centres that provide skilled trades and apprenticeship training. High school students can start an apprenticeship by participating in the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP). Colleges and training centres offer pre-apprenticeship, apprenticeship and skilled trades training. Make a selection below.

                                        Need help finding skilled trades & apprenticeship training near you? Click HERE to see them on a map.

                                          There are many options if you want to go to college or university in our area. There are also many options if you need financial aid to pay for your education. Make a selection below.

                                          Need help finding colleges or universities near you? Click HERE to see them on a map.

                                          There are several Community Colleges and Universities in our area. They offer a large number of courses and programs, including full-time and part-time studies that lead to degrees, diplomas and certificates.

                                          Make a selection below.

                                            There are several Private Career Colleges in our area. Career Colleges provide education and training in business, technology, services and trades, and most programs are short in duration.

                                            Make a selection below.

                                              Students may be eligible to receive Financial Aid to help pay for post-secondary education. The best known is the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). Other options include bursaries, scholarships and Second Career funding. Each college and university will have their own financial aid programs.

                                              Make a selection below.

                                                Continuing Education is a way to boost your skills and learn new things. There are many in-person and online programs. Some courses provide credits towards diplomas or certificates, while others provide work-related credentials or are for personal interest. There are several schools that offer Continuing Education in or near our area.

                                                Make a selection below.

                                                  There are Job Training Programs available in our area, including some that offer training for specific occupations and industries. Some programs are free if you meet the eligibility rules, while others have fees.

                                                  Make a selection below.

                                                    Volunteering can help you gain valuable skills that you may use in a job, while at the same time give you the personal satisfaction you are giving back to the community. Many non-profit organizations in our area welcome or recruit volunteers.

                                                    Make a selection below.

                                                      Language training such as English as a Second Language (ESL) can help newcomers improve their language skills to better their chances of finding work and to be more effective in the workforce.

                                                      Make a selection below.

                                                      Need help finding services near you? Click HERE to see them on a map.

                                                        Let us help you find community services and programs in Brantford, Six Nations, New Credit, Brant, Haldimand and Norfolk. Make a selection below to begin.

                                                        Many people rely on public transit to get to and from work, and to and from other activities. There are several transit options in Grand Erie region.

                                                        Make a selection below.

                                                        To see Brantford Transit bus routes on a map, click HERE.
                                                        To see Ride Norfolk bus routes on a map, click HERE.

                                                          There are many licensed child care options in Brantford, Six Nations, New Credit, Brant County, Haldimand County and Norfolk County.

                                                          Make a selection below by location to begin.
                                                          Need help finding a child care close to you? Click HERE to see them on a map of Grand Erie.

                                                          You can also search for licensed child cares in Ontario by community, postal code, type of program, age of child. Click HERE for search tool.

                                                                    There are many services in our community that assist people who need health and counselling services of different kinds.

                                                                    Make a selection below.

                                                                    There are many hospitals and health clinics that serve people living in Brantford, Six Nations, New Credit, Brant, Haldimand and Norfolk.

                                                                    Make a selection below.

                                                                    Need help finding a hospital or clinic near you? Click HERE to see them on a map of Grand Erie.

                                                                      There are many services in our community that can help people who are experiencing issues with mental health and addictions.

                                                                      Make a selection below.

                                                                      Need help finding a mental health or addictions services near you? Click HERE to see them on a map of Grand Erie.

                                                                            There are many services in our community that offer counselling services, including family, youth, child and other specialized counselling.

                                                                            Make a selection below.

                                                                            Need help finding counselling services near you? Click HERE to see them on a map of Grand Erie.

                                                                              There are many Indigenous services in our community, with services available on Six Nations and New Credit and in nearby urban centres.

                                                                              Make a selection below.

                                                                                    There are many services in our community for newcomers, to help them connect to health, employment, education, housing and other settlement supports.
                                                                                    Make a selection below. For language training (ESL), also see local ESL resources by clicking this link.

                                                                                      There are many services in our community that help people dealing with housing issues, including some services that provide emergency, short-term or transitional housing.

                                                                                      Make a selection below.

                                                                                        Make a selection below.

                                                                                        Need help finding an elementary school near you? Click HERE to see them on a map.

                                                                                                  Make a selection below.

                                                                                                  Need help finding a secondary school near you? Click HERE to see them on a map.

                                                                                                            There are many services that help people dealing with legal questions or issues, including online information resources and Community Legal Clinics. You can also find information on how to get a police check or a pardon.

                                                                                                            Make a selection below.

                                                                                                            Make a selection below.

                                                                                                              Community Legal Clinics provide legal advice and representation to people with low income on a range of issues, including family law, criminal law, housing law, immigration law, problems with Ontario Works/ODSP and more. There is no charge for services for people who meet financial eligibility.

                                                                                                              Make a selection below.

                                                                                                              Need help finding a Community Legal Clinic near you? Click HERE to see them on a map.

                                                                                                                There are many services in our community that provide supports and resources to youth, including services related to employment, career planning, education, health, skills training and more.

                                                                                                                Make a selection below.

                                                                                                                      There are many services in our community that support seniors, including programs related to pensions, health, accessibility, housing and more.

                                                                                                                      Make a selection below.

                                                                                                                        Service Canada provides access to many important Government of Canada services, including Employment Insurance, Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, Social Insurance Numbers, taxes, passports and veterans affairs. Many services are offered online.

                                                                                                                        Make a selection below.

                                                                                                                        Need help finding a Service Canada office near you? Click HERE to see them on a map.

                                                                                                                          Service Ontario provides access to many important Government of Ontario services, including birth certificates, health cards (OHIP), driver’s licences, licence plate stickers, marriage certificates, name changes and more. Many services are offered online.

                                                                                                                          Make a selection below.

                                                                                                                          Need help finding a Service Ontario office near you? Click HERE to see them on a map.


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                                                                                                                            We are collecting data to better understand who is looking for work and what kind of opportunities jobseekers are searching for. This data is completely anonymous and non-personally identifiable.

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