EPIC Jobs, happening on May 22, 2019, is a day-long annual event that will expose some 2,000 Grade 7 and 8 students, through hands-on activities, exciting displays and motivational messages from industry speakers, to potential careers in the skilled trades.

The Outreach Committee of Enterprise Brant has approved funding of $5,000. The Brant Community Foundation has also approved grant funds totalling $5,000. These funds will assist with the costs associated with bringing in elite speakers for the EPIC Jobs event.

These speakers are:

Cory Vitiello, a Brantford-born award-winning chef & star of Food Network’s Chef in Your Ear. Vitiello started cooking out of his parent’s Brantford kitchen at age 15, then attended the Stratford Chef School, and now is considered a culinary star on the hot and competitive Toronto food scene.

Emily Chung, owner of AutoNiche Women’s Auto Repair Service in Toronto. She launched the business in 2009 out of frustration with the auto repair business, seeing a need for a repair shop that caters to women. The Toronto resident is a busy speaker and auto blogger, inspiring young women to consider skilled trades.

Jeremy Bout, a filmmaker and host of the innovative Edge Factor video series. Jeremy is known for pushing the limits, using digital technology to tell stories that inspire audiences. The popular motivational speaker has inspired students, young people, educators and business. Jeremy has promoted challenging careers in advanced manufacturing to a new audience.

Jamie McMillan, a ground-breaking female Ironworker from Hamilton, who promotes skilled trades to women. In 2002, Jamie went from being a personal support worker and a server to launching a new career in the male-dominated worlds of ironworking and welding. Since then, Jamie has been a strong advocate, supporter and mentor for women entering the trades.

The Workforce Planning Board, in partnership with the Grand Erie District School Board, the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board, and the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program, has organized Epic Jobs annually since 2017. The organizing committee is very grateful for the Enterprise Brant and Brant Community Foundation funding; without support from the local community, this Epic event would not be possible.

The Workforce Planning Board is one of 26 non-profit organizations funded through the Government of Ontario that play a leadership role in labour force planning.

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