Natural and applied sciences and related occupations

This category includes occupations in sciences, engineering, architecture and information technology. These occupations require post-secondary education in an appropriate scientific or technical discipline. Progression from technical to professional occupations usually requires additional education.

21 · Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
25 Jobs

This major group comprises professional occupations in natural and applied sciences. It includes professionals working in the physical sciences, life sciences, and engineering fields; and as architects, urban planners, land surveyors, mathematicians, statisticians, actuaries, and computer and information systems professionals.

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22 · Technical occupations related to natural and applied sciences
43 Jobs

This major group comprises technical occupations in natural and applied sciences. It includes technologists and technicians working in the fields of physical science, life science, engineering, architecture, urban planning, land surveying, mathematics, statistics, and actuarial science; and as computer and information systems technicians.

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