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Mapping tool helps employers, HR recruiting firms and communities to target talent attraction efforts for hard to fill jobs.
Mapping tool displays where specific occupations and local businesses that employ them are concentrated.
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Easy-to-use information database to find local work, business and community resources.
This major group comprises occupations in health that require secondary school education, either partial or complete, and additional specific training. It includes dental assistants, nurse aides, orderlies and other assisting occupations in support of health services. Occupations in this major group are classified into the following minor group(s): 341 - Assisting occupations in support of health services
This minor group includes dental assistants, nurse aides, orderlies, patient service associates, and other assisting occupations in support of health services. They are employed by hospitals, clinics, community health centres, nursing homes, assisted care facilities, and other health care establishments; dentists’ offices, and the offices of other health care professionals; pharmacies, and optical retail stores; […]
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