Summer student jobs and youth resources

Summer student jobs and youth resources

Companies around the Grand Erie region are currently hiring for summer student positions. These companies include Piller’s Fine Foods, Circle Square Ranch, Maple Leaf Foods, Linde Canada and Grand River Employment and Training.

Our Grand Erie Job Board allows youth to search for summer jobs in Brantford, Brant, Haldimand, Norfolk, Six Nations and New Credit. Currently dozens and dozens of summer student job openings are posted in the area.

Many non-profit community agencies such as Community Addictions and Mental Health Services of Haldimand and Norfolk, Habitat for Humanity, Norfolk Association for Community Living, Alzheimer Society and Lions McInnes House are currently advertising for summer students under a special government program called Canada Summer Jobs. All Canada Summer Jobs are searchable here:

The COVID-19 Pandemic has added unique challenges for youth and their ability to find employment during the past few years. Help is available to youth who lack information about employment programs and job searching tools – and with their summer job hunt.

Educational institutions and area organization such as St. Leonard’s Community Services, Brantford-Brant Business Resource Centre (BRC), CareerLink and other regional employment service providers offer various programs and services across our region to not only help young people find a summer job; but for graduating students or for youth not in school – their first full time job and to also help those interested in learning how they can start their own business.

For example, aspiring entrepreneurs ages 15 to 29 years old can apply for the Summer Company Student Grant Program offered through Brantford-Brant Business Resource Centre to students living in the City of Brantford, County of Brant, Haldimand and Norfolk Counties, and Six Nations of the Grand River.

The program lets students take the plunge into business ownership and teaches them how to problem solve, communicate effectively, and the importance of a strong work ethic. Students will also learn all aspects of running a business including how to manage their business finances, marketing and sales, customer service, building and controlling inventory and the behind the scenes work that is required to operate a successful business.

Successful applicants receive up to $1,500 to assist with start-up costs and an additional $1,500 on completion of the program.

Other Local Youth Employment Resources:

Grand Erie District School Board: Home :: Grand Erie District School Board

CareerLink: About :: Career Link

St. Leonard’s Community Services Wrap Program: Youth Employment Skills Strategy – Work Readiness and Advancement Program (WRAP) | St. Leonard’s (

Brant Skills Centre: Brant Skills Centre

G.R.E.A.T: The Student Office – GREAT (

Fanshawe Community Career and Employment Services: Community Career and Employment Services (Simcoe) | Fanshawe College

City School by Mohawk: City School by Mohawk | Mohawk College

Brantford Business Resource Centre: Business Resource Centre – City of Brantford – Economic Development (

First Work: First Work – Ontario’s Youth Employment Network

First Work Aspire Initiative: Home – Youth Aspire

Wilfrid Laurier University LaunchPad: LaunchPad | Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation | Students – Wilfrid Laurier University (

Wilfrid Laurier University: Career and Employment Support | Students – Wilfrid Laurier University (

Conestoga College:

Six Nations Polytechnic: Careers | Six Nations Polytechnic ( Job Seeker :: Career Link

Contact North: Welcome to | Contact North |

Canadian Mental Health Association Brant Haldimand Norfolk: CMHA Brant Haldimand Norfolk – Mental Health for All  

Grand Erie Jobs:

Youth Work NOW! Employment Webinar

Youth Work NOW! Employment Webinar

Youth Work NOW! – an online webinar taking place Thursday, April 29th at 11Am will help our local youth search for a summer job or their first job. The session will feature short presentations by about a dozen employment related services from our region.

The COVID-19 Pandemic has added unique challenges for youth and their ability to find employment. Public health restrictions, layoffs for the least experienced employees, closures and the struggle of some industries are some factors that have been identified as preventing youth from gaining employment.

A recent regional study revealed about half of youth surveyed stated they need help looking for jobs and over half of youth expressed they lack information about employment programming and job searching tools

To assist our region’s youth the Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie has organized Youth Work NOW! to inform local youth ages 15-24 about current resources, programs and services offered across our region to help them find a summer job; for graduating students or for youth not in school – their first full time job and to also help those interested in learning how they can start their own business.

Educational institutions and area organization such as St. Leonard’s Community Services, Brantford-Brant Business Resource Centre, CareerLink and about half a dozen other regional employment service providers will be participating in the webinar to talk about ways they help youth gain employment and resources will be compiled in a catalogue made available publicly on our website.

Youth and their families are invited to join the webinar which will include a Q&A portion and gain access to valuable programs and supports that can assist youth in finding temporary or full-time employment.

For those not available to attend the event on April 29, the webinar is recorded and available for viewing here:

Partners and Resources:

Grand Erie District School Board: Home :: Grand Erie District School Board

CareerLink: About :: Career Link

St. Leonard’s Community Services Wrap Program: Youth Employment Skills Strategy – Work Readiness and Advancement Program (WRAP) | St. Leonard’s (

Brant Skills Centre: Brant Skills Centre

G.R.E.A.T: The Student Office – GREAT (

Fanshawe Community Career and Employment Services: Community Career and Employment Services (Simcoe) | Fanshawe College

City School by Mohawk: City School by Mohawk | Mohawk College

Brantford Business Resource Centre: Business Resource Centre – City of Brantford – Economic Development (

First Work: First Work – Ontario’s Youth Employment Network

First Work Aspire Initiative: Home – Youth Aspire

Wilfrid Laurier University LaunchPad: LaunchPad | Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation | Students – Wilfrid Laurier University (

Wilfrid Laurier University: Career and Employment Support | Students – Wilfrid Laurier University (

Conestoga College:

Six Nations Polytechnic: Careers | Six Nations Polytechnic ( Job Seeker :: Career Link

Contact North: Welcome to | Contact North |

Canadian Mental Health Association Brant Haldimand NorfolkCMHA Brant Haldimand Norfolk – Mental Health for All  

Grand Erie Jobs:

Celebrating Grand Erie’s Essential Workers – Don

Celebrating Grand Erie’s Essential Workers – Don

This week in our Frontline Fridays feature – where we pay tribute to Grand Erie essential workers in the communities of Brantford, Six Nations, New Credit and the counties of Brant, Haldimand and Norfolk – we talk to Don Jagoe, IT Business Owner of My Tech Geeks based in Brantford.

What does an average day look like for you?

Don: Working in the information technology service industry generally results in a dynamic workday largely spent communicating with clients and servicing their needs. A big part of the job is being responsive to the customer. A phone call, email or text can throw your schedule out the window and change the priority of work to be completed on any given day.

Normally, I start work around 6:30am. I review remote management software that provides a dashboard of information such as backup status and potential issues on servers or computers that I support and monitor. I check to ensure servers are online, backups were successful and completed antivirus scans found no infections. I also look at other stats such as hard drives running low on space or showing early signs of failure. If anything is concerning, I then remote into the server or computer, take the appropriate action and notify people if necessary.

What has it been like to be an essential worker during the pandemic?

Don: Covid-19 has introduced more steps into regular procedures of onsite work. Much more work is now done remotely over the Internet, but when work cannot be completed remotely, I go onsite. Like everyone, when travelling to sites such as medical sites, I now text to let the office know I have arrived, complete a screening questionnaire, have my temperature taken and use hand sanitizer. I wear a mask and disposable rubber gloves when working with medical equipment. At non-medical sites, I generally bring a portable keyboard and mouse. Devices are wiped down with alcohol based disinfecting wipes.

What have been the greatest rewards and challenges in your work?

Don: Shortly after the pandemic started there was a huge demand to get businesses set up quickly so that staff could work from home. There were many nights of little to no sleep to get everyone set up as the requests came in. Technology and computers have become more essential for people working or studying from home. Like others in the information technology service sector, I often attempt to address non-urgent issues when computers are not in use during lunch, dinner, or at night when the user is no longer using the computer.

I always take great pride in my work and customer satisfaction and my reward is a job well done. Ideally, servers or computers on a remotely managed service plan see little to no downtime. Sometimes it may seem as though IT staff are never around or not working, but in reality that usually means a job well done in identifying and fixing issues before they are reported!

What have been your greatest supports and means of coping as an essential worker this past year?

Don: Some of my greatest supports come from communicating with other people in my field. I often communicate with IT people all over North America. I find it comforting to hear what other people are experiencing and how they are coping.

What made you pursue your career? What lead you to take a job in this community? 

Don: I got bit by the tech bug at a young age. Initially I used my computer to play games, but I soon started programming, building websites and computers and helping others with technology. I read everything I could about computers and IT and eventually studied for the Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer and for the Microsoft Certified Professional accreditation.

When I worked for the University of Prince Edward Island, I also obtained a BA, and later a BSc. I married someone I met there and moved to Brantford when my wife accepted a job in Ontario. Since then, my path included working my way up to service delivery manager and managing tech support call centre contracts for fortune 100 companies. Eventually, I started my own small IT company – My Tech Geeks (

What advice would you give to someone interested in pursuing your career?

Don: My advice for anyone looking to get into the IT service field today would be to learn technical skills in any of a number of ways. A good starting point would be to obtain Comptia certification ( Additionally, there are lots of advanced certificates such as Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD), and Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE) ( Many companies look at an equivalent of education and experience when hiring. My advice is to start in an entry level tech position and work your way up.

Thank you to Don for sharing his story and for all his efforts in helping clients stay connected and continue their work.

Local Training and Certification for careers like Don’s:

For High School Students:

CanHack Challenge | The DMZ (

Conestoga College:

Computer Systems Technician – Information Technology Infrastructure and Services (Optional Co-op) | Full-time | Ontario College Diploma (

Information Technology Infrastructure | Full-time | Graduate Certificate (

Information Technology Network Security | Full-time | Graduate Certificate (

Westervelt College:

IT Technician – Westervelt College

Fanshawe College:

School of Information Technology | Fanshawe College

Computer Systems Technician | Fanshawe College

Mohawk College:

Computer Systems Technology – Network Engineering and Security Analyst – 555 | Mohawk College

Ontario Colleges:

Computer – Security |

Laurier University:

Computer Science (BSc), Waterloo | Wilfrid Laurier University (

Master of Applied Computing (MAC) | Wilfrid Laurier University ( 

Business Technology Management (BBTM) | Wilfrid Laurier University (

Statistics Canada Occupational Classification:

NOC 2011 – 2281 – Computer network technicians – Unit group (

Search Local IT Jobs:

Grand Erie Jobs

NOC 2011 – 2282 – User support technicians – Unit group (  

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