Quality of Work – New Local Survey

Quality of Work – New Local Survey

The Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie has launched a new survey that is digging into how people perceive quality of work at their current or past workplaces.

Quality of work typically refers to a combination of things like a job’s income and benefits, job security, chance for promotion, opportunities to use skills, workplace culture and more.

For the last few years, our annual employer survey results have highlighted the growing obstacles that businesses face in finding and retaining suitable employees. Turnover triggered by quits, workplace culture and lack of work-life balance has been increasing and this has significant impacts on business operations.

With the added volatility of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to better understand the factors that influence quality of work, and to scope out the opportunities, challenges and barriers to supporting the Grand Erie labour market.

We will be examining the “quality of work” amongst workers within six industries in the Grand Erie area (healthcare and social assistance, retail trade, construction, manufacturing, accommodation and food services and agriculture.) The research will be carried out through a workforce survey that will measure the quality of work along 6 dimensions defined by Statistics Canada.

With this survey, we want to better understand what people value in a job, the workplace and their leaders. It is important to hear from workers, what attracts them to apply for a job and to stay in a job.

Many employers are experiencing labour shortages and they are competing for workers. Having a reputation of providing a good work culture and jobs can make a business stand out. The survey should help businesses, community organizations and local government learn more about what workers value in a workplace, and could prompt changes that strengthen quality of work.

Employers may learn what improvements or best practices they can implement in their workplace to give workers a stronger incentive to stay. And a good quality of work and work-life balance at a workplace can be a big selling point to potential new hires.

Individuals who complete the survey may find themselves better equipped to open up conversations with their managers about how their work quality can be enhanced. Results may also help those looking for work to identify industries that best support their quality of work goals.

Further, data collected through this survey can help community organizations/government develop better, more targeted programs and services to support our workforce’s needs.

The survey, which takes about 15 minutes to complete, is open to employees and job seekers 15 years and older who lives in Brantford, Six Nations, New Credit and Brant, Haldimand and Norfolk counties and will be running until September of this year. Those who complete the survey will have a chance to win a prize in a weekly draw.

The research project is funded by the Government of Canada’s Future Skills Centre, a forward-looking organization that prototypes, tests and measures new and innovative approaches to skills development across Canada. To learn more about Future Skills Centre, visit: fsc-ccf.ca

Thank you to our survey sponsors:

Employers to benefit from welding program

Employers to benefit from welding program

Employers need welders.

There are major labour shortages across the skill trades, particularly in welding and many companies are struggling to find the workers they need. Maybe this describes your company.

In response to the need for welders in the labour market, the Workforce Planning board of Grand Erie is running a new FREE WELDING TRAINING program called Skills2Advance Welding. This short-term training is being offered in partnership with the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) Foundation, four area colleges and other training providers.

We invite businesses who need welders to partner with us.

There are two main ways to benefit from being an employer partner: businesses can send their existing employees for this free training, or they can hire graduates of the program. Or both.

Learn more here: https://www.skills2advance.com/employers-welding

About the program

Skills2Advance is a 2-week training program:

  • The first week of the program will be an introduction to welding, with hands-on training in core welding techniques. Participants can get their Fillet Weld Certificate from CWB. This one-week training will hopefully determine if the participants have the aptitude and interest to continue in the welding trade.
  • The second week will see participants gain training in forklift, reach truck, first aid, CPR and more. There is also a strong emphasis on soft skills such as workplace communication, teamwork, problem solving and conflict resolution.

This second week of training is optional for participants who are referred by their employers for skills uptraining.

Skills2Advance Welding offers two streams of training, called Mind Over Metal and Women of Steel.

The training is the same for each program, but Women of Steel allows women to learn welding alongside other women. It is part of an effort to get more women into the trades, helping to address the labour shortage employers are facing. See our website https://www.skills2advance.com/ for more information.

Get involved

As a local welding employer, you can get involved by:

  • Referring current (non-welding or less experienced) employees who have an interest in welding to see if they have the aptitude to pursue welding as a trade
  • Becoming a guest speaker for one or more of our classes, giving you an opportunity to promote your opportunities
  • Being on our advisory committee to help inform the program and provide input into training

By becoming an employer partner, businesses get the advantage of continuously being able to send any new or existing employees for the free training through our program. Employer partners also get first chance to review graduates of the program who are looking to find work or continue their welding education.

Employer benefits

There are many benefits to employers who get involved, including:

  • Get skilled & entry-level ready workers
  • Lower cost of training
  • Fill vacant positions more quickly
  • Skilled2Advance Welding is FREE

In late May, we will be having a virtual Information Session via Zoom that will serve as an orientation session for any businesses and organizations that are interested in getting involved. Contact us if you want to be notified about the Information Session details.

Any questions about the program can be directed to: skills2advance@workforceplannningboard.org or call 519-756-1116, ext. 223 or text Mikki at 519-732-4068

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We are collecting data to better understand who is looking for work and what kind of opportunities jobseekers are searching for. This data is completely anonymous and non-personally identifiable.

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