November 2020 job market helped by holiday hiring

November 2020 job market helped by holiday hiring

November 2020’s job market in Brantford Brant got a boost with holiday hiring.

Hiring for part-time jobs helped Brantford’s unemployment rate fall to 6.6% in November, down from October’s 7.2% mark, according to Statistics Canada figures.

Canada’s November jobless rate fell to 8.5%, while Ontario’s declined to 9.1%, but in both cases the job growth slowed compared to previous months.

Sixty-three per cent of Brantford residents, ages 15 and over, were employed in November – higher than in the Hamilton, Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, St. Catharines-Niagara and London metropolitan areas.

But even though Brantford’s job market appears better off compared to elsewhere, it is still weaker than pre-pandemic times and pales in comparison to November 2019’s record-low 3.1% unemployment.

“As we enter the holiday season, it’s good news to see more people in our community working,” said Danette Dalton, executive director of the Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie.

“This is the season to remember those who aren’t as fortunate. Compared to this time last year, there are several thousand more residents not working. 2020 has been a tough year for many families and many people still feel their job situation is precarious.”

November 2020 job numbers showed that mployment growth over the last few months has been in part-time work, especially for women. Women have lost ground in full-time work, while the number of men working full time has remained steady.

More than 500 businesses advertised Brantford jobs in November on the Workforce Planning Board’s Grand Erie Jobs board. Top occupations were retail salesperson, material handler, other customer service representatives, home support workers, light duty cleaners and registered nurses.

Grand Erie Jobs regularly scans more than dozen online job boards looking for jobs in Brantford and surrounding communities. “Grand Erie Jobs is a one-stop source for local openings and a great resource for anyone looking for work or exploring career options,” Danette said.

Read Statistics Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey news release for November 2020.


Local Labour Market Planning Community Consultations

Local Labour Market Planning Community Consultations

The Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie conducts labour market research and planning to support workforce development in the communities of Brantford, Brant, Haldimand, Norfolk, Six Nations and New Credit. This work helps local employers, educational institutions; employment and community partners build the skilled workforce needed for economic prosperity.

What is Local Labour Market Information?

It is research and data about the job market, workforce trends and the economy in Grand Erie.

Why is it important?

Having timely, fact-based data about local trends allows the Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie to identify labour force issues and challenges in our community.

What is the process?

The Employment Planning Advisory Committee (EPAC) is formed from representatives across the region from each municipality including members from business, education, Employment Ontario Network, municipal staff, government representatives and media.

Each year, EPAC carries out the research and consultation process that helps identify the multiple challenges affecting both employers and job seekers including: 

  • Prioritizing the top 3 – 5 issues affecting our communities’ workforce and economy
  • Identifying research and information gaps
  • Developing 3-4 workforce development activities that can be moved forward during 2020- 2021
  • Determining key performance indicators to measure effectiveness
  • Helping distribute and communicate the plan to our communities

Additionally, in 2020-2021 the Grand Erie COVID-19 Recovery Task Force – a sub-committee of EPAC –  has been assembled to identify various Grand Erie economic recovery scenarios and develop strategies to respond efficiently and effectively to the impacts of the pandemic.

EPAC met this week to discuss the Local Labour Market Plan for Grand Erie in 2021. Working groups from the committee recently held a series of community consultations and established priorities for 4 key areas – Skills Development, Education, Business Supports and Economic Development. 

Priorities for Education: 

  • Enhance student education around career pathways
  • Find new ways of engaging/involving parents/families about education and career pathways as early as primary grades.
  • Broaden the scope of experiential learning
  • Increase integration of digital skills training and technology into core courses
  • Strengthen connectivity between career counsellors and industry professionals

Priorities for Skills Development: 

  • Increase digital/technical skills development
  • Design and deliver Human Resources training for employers
  • Develop transferable skills training curriculum
  • Support soft-skills training within the workplace
  • Align labour market information (LMI) with skills training focuses

Priorities for Business Supports: 

  • Advocate for forgivable loans and grant programs
  • Identify business needs in key sectors
  • Increase promotion of skills training programs
  • Advocate for affordable and attainable housing
  • Share insightful labour market data

Priorities for Economic Development: 

  • Advocate for adjustment of legislation to allow employers more flexibility
  • Increase financial support for new cleaning protocols
  • Support industry network development
  • Design digital inclusion supports for residents & employers with limited internet access
  • Develop a consistent “one-stop shop” for information and resources

To learn more or to contribute your input, contact us.

October 2020 job numbers move in right direction

October 2020 job numbers move in right direction

October 2020’s job numbers showed that Brantford’s job market continues to bounce back from the worst impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The city’s unemployment rate has fallen for four straight months since hitting a peak of 12.6% in June. The jobless rate was estimated at 7.2% in October, down from 8.1% in September, according to Statistics Canada figures.

Brantford’s job picture continues to look rosier than in surrounding communities and in Ontario and Canada as a whole.

St. Catharines-Niagara rate of 7.5% is the closest to Brantford’s, while the highest is Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo’s 10.8%. Canada’s national unemployment rate remained virtually unchanged at 8.9% in October, while Ontario’s monthly rate was 9.6%, with only modest job gains.

“The Brantford area job market continues to be on the right track and gain jobs,” said Danette Dalton, Workforce Planning Board executive director.

“However, there are still an estimated 5,900 residents who are unemployed here, which is more than double the number from October 2019. There are still many residents who need help, who need jobs.”

The recent trend has shown women leading job gains in Brantford for months. But women aged 55+ have actually lost ground compared to June, the month where the pandemic’s impact was most evident.

The Workforce Planning Board’s Grand Erie Jobs portal showed there were about 700 Brantford jobs advertised in October, the large majority full-time, permanent positions. Top jobs posted were material handler, retail salesperson, customer service representative and home support worker.

To help meet the ongoing need for material handlers, the board’s Skills2Advance program is offering eligible job seekers free job training to work in warehousing-manufacturing.

Dalton said the board is currently conducting a survey of residents – both those working and not working – about their transportation and transit needs. “We wish to learn if public transit options support the needs of people living and working in Brantford and Grand Erie.”

Read Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey news release for October 2020.

Hundreds attend online Job Fair & Skills Exploration event

Hundreds attend online Job Fair & Skills Exploration event

Hundreds of area residents took part in the Grand Erie Job Fair & Skills Exploration Event, held entirely online Oct. 6.

People who attended the online job fair were able to meet and chat with 45 different exhibitors, the majority of whom were employers. Attendees learned about their businesses, job openings and skill requirements. In many cases, participants could submit resumes or apply for jobs. Several post-secondary schools and trades associations were also on hand to talk about their training and education programs.

The keynote speaker for the event was Mandy Rennehan, a Canadian success story known for promoting the trades as just as good as white-collar careers. Jon Callegher of Job Talks spoke about the 5 Secrets of the Trades, including that people who work in the trades are happier and have a high level of job satisfaction. Not to mention great wages and other pluses.

There were also panel discussions featuring local business owners, tradespeople and educators: one on the building/construction trades, a business panel, and another on Skills for Agriculture.

The job fair was aimed at residents from the communities of Brantford, Brant, Haldimand, Norfolk, Six Nations and New Credit. They could access the event on their computers, tablets and smartphones.

The day-long online event took place on vFairs, a virtual event platform that uses advanced 3D technology to create a live event experience complete with exhibitor booths in a hall and an auditorium. 

The event’s goal was to connect job seekers and people considering new careers with employers, as well as promote the message that there are tremendous opportunities to work in a variety of trades, especially since the Grand Erie region and Canada have a skilled trades shortage.

Videos of the webinars are on YouTube.

Construction/Building Trades Video

Business Panel Video

Skills for Agriculture Video


Employers speak up in COVID-19 Road to Recovery survey

Employers speak up in COVID-19 Road to Recovery survey

The COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing lockdowns shocked businesses and the workforce across the Grand Erie area in an unprecedented manner starting in March 2020.

In the following months, as businesses began to contemplate, prepare, and execute plans to reopen, community organizations looked to identify interventions required to address the needs of the labour market in the immediate future.

The results of a survey of businesses paints a picture of the challenges and opportunities facing employers as they navigate the road to recovery from COVID-19.

Read Road to Recovery: COVID-19 Business Insights Survey.

The Grand Erie COVID-19 Recovery Task Force, created by the Workforce Planning Board recognized the need for evidence-based decision making and strong actions driven by and for the community. The group examined the needs of businesses within the communities of Six Nations, New Credit, City of Brantford, and Brant, Haldimand, and Norfolk counties.

Survey questions were developed to assess the impact of the pandemic on local employers and evaluate the demand for various strategies and solutions to address their emerging needs.

The survey was conducted online between July 6, 2020 to Aug. 14, 2020 and engaged 195 businesses across various sectors within the Grand Erie region.

This report dives into the results of the survey, revealing critical shifts in the business landscape and noting differences by sector and business size. Key findings include:

·       Significant decrease in demand for goods and services among one-third of businesses

·       Wide-spread concerns about access to PPE in the short and medium term

·       High levels of interest in skills training to support recent shifts in skills-in-demand

·       Challenges with hiring in the current atmosphere

The findings of this survey are intended to provide residents, businesses, and government leaders across Grand Erie with the knowledge they need to make informed action plans as we travel on the road to recovery.

July job numbers show Brantford recovery started

July job numbers show Brantford recovery started

Brantford is on the road to recovery, with July job numbers indicating a 2% drop in the unemployment rate since June.

According to a Statistics Canada survey conducted July 12 to July 18, an estimated 1,500 less were unemployed in June, bringing Brantford’s unemployment rate down to 10.6%, down from 12.6%. Employment grew even more significantly, indicating that many more people are looking for and finding work.

Canada’s employment grew by 419,000, bringing the national unemployment rate down to 10.9%. Provincially, the unemployment rate fell to 11.3% as 151,000 more people found work.

Some surrounding metropolitan areas – including Hamilton, St. Catharines-Niagara and Guelph – saw decreases in their jobless rates as well.

Most of the employment gains in our region were in full-time work, driven largely by growth in the manufacturing and wholesale and retail trade industries.

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