Vote to help name our new local job portal

Vote to help name our new local job portal

A new community job board is looking for a name.

Residents are invited to vote on a list of five names for the job portal, which will soon be launched by the Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie.

The portal will show up-to-date job listings in Brantford, Six Nations, New Credit and Brant, Haldimand and Norfolk counties. Local job postings will be automatically pulled from about 20 frequently used online job sites, and the location and details of each position will be shown on an easy-to-use map.

The five names in the running for Name the Job Portal voting are:

1.       Jobs2Advance

2.       Grand Erie Jobs

3.       Advance2Jobs

4.       Careers2Grow

5.       Job Radar

Voting can be done by going to: HERE

Name the Job Portal voting will close on May 18.

Many local workers lose work due to COVID-19: survey

Many local workers lose work due to COVID-19: survey

More than 40% of Grand Erie residents have lost work due to the COVID-19 crisis, a new survey shows.

The Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie’s COVID-19 Worker Impact Survey of 450 people found that 37% are temporarily not working, while another 5% have permanently lost work.

The biggest impact has been on people in the sectors of accommodation and food services, retail and wholesale trade, and education. Youth (ages of 18 – 24) working part time in the retail and food sectors appear particularly hard hit.

One in three respondents said they were worried about having enough food, and paying their rent, mortgage and paying monthly bills.

The local survey’s results are consistent with those from six other workforce planning boards in Southwestern Ontario, who conducted the same survey. Collectively, Workforce Planning West surveyed 2,570 people.

“The results of this survey will give government, business, and the community a better understanding of how the COVID-19 crisis has impacted workers and their families in our region,” said Danette Dalton, executive director of the Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie. “These results will also help inform where the Workforce Planning Board focuses its efforts to support our community.”

The survey asked if and how a worker’s employment status changed since March 2, their occupation, and which sector they were employed in. Questions were designed to gain insight into which groups of workers have been most affected by COVID-19 and in what ways.

In the Grand Erie region, 54% of respondents said they are working less or not at all, 27% are working the same amount, while 19% are working more, especially people working in health care, transportation and warehousing.

Other highlights from the survey of Brantford, Brant, Haldimand and Norfolk residents include:

  • 23% of residents are working from home temporarily (13% lower than the regional average of 36%)
  • 65% of residents are confident they will be able to find work after the COVID-19 crisis ends
  • 80% are aware of worker supports set up by government, and 52% said the programs meet their expectations
  • Residents said the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), increased access to Employment Insurance and support for women’s shelters and sexual assault centres are the most important supports put in place by the government at this time
  • 85% believe grocery stores are doing enough to support their families at this time, and 80% believe pharmacies are doing enough
  • 50% of residents believe that our communities will be stronger after COVID-19

The COVID-19 Worker Impact Survey was open from March 26 to April 20. Grand Erie region results had a margin of error of 5%, 19 times out of 20; and the Southwestern Ontario results had a margin of error of 2%, 19 times out of 20.

Two dashboards are available to help people view and interpret the raw survey results online:

COVID-19 Worker Impact Survey Results Dashboard

Comparing Local vs. Regional Data from the COVID-19 Worker Impact Results Survey Dashboard

COVID-19 pushes up Brantford Brant jobless rate

COVID-19 pushes up Brantford Brant jobless rate

Brantford Brant got its first glimpse of COVID-19’s impact on the local job market, as Statistics Canada released its monthly job numbers – and it isn’t pretty.

Early indications are that Brantford may not have been as hard hit as other parts of Ontario and Canada, especially communities more reliant on tourism and hospitality.

Brantford jobless rate for March was estimated at 5.9%, up from 4.7% in February, as employment in the city fell by about 1,700 people, according to Statistics Canada. The number of unemployed grew by an estimated 900 people.

“It’s terrible to see so many of our residents lose work because of COVID-19,” said Danette Dalton, executive director of the Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie.

“However, we know our residents, businesses and organizations are strong and resilient. We’ve recovered from downturns in the job market before and our community has a history of working together to help people and rebuild.”

Thursday’s numbers are based on Statistics Canada’s survey of local households conducted during March 15 – 21, just before Ontario ordered non-essential businesses closed. The agency expects more dramatic impacts to show up in next month’s labour force survey.

In Brantford, there were hundreds of job losses in each of these sectors: retail; accommodation and food services; and information, culture and recreation, all of which traditionally employ more women. Manufacturing – the city’s largest employer – also saw job losses, even though many local companies are still operating. On the flip side, there’s been hiring in agriculture, health care, and transportation and warehousing.

Live Epic Jobs skilled trades event for students cancelled

Live Epic Jobs skilled trades event for students cancelled

Epic Jobs, an annual event that introduces almost 2,000 area students to the skilled trades, has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Running at two locations – the Wayne Gretzky Sport Centre and the Sanderson Centre – Epic Jobs in its 4th year, features high profile industry speakers and around 50 exhibitor booths ranging from major local companies such as Tigercat, Brantford Power and Stelco to various community organizations, training centres and colleges such as Conestoga College who recently invested in its school of trades. 

The event has been widely supported by the community in its mission of getting young people into the trades. Skilled trades shortages have been a growing issue in Grand Erie for some time. 

Planning partners, which include the public and Catholic school boards, are currently meeting with digital experts to explore a virtual version of Epic Jobs for 2020 to be presented online. 

Sponsors and exhibitors who registered for the 2020 event can each expect to hear from the planning committee soon with more details. 

Epic Jobs is currently forging ahead as a live event for 2021 in its pursuit of engaging our youth – the future workforce – with skilled trades. There are new initiatives planned around the trades for 2021 contributing to a strong framework for Epic Jobs. 

Any parties who have questions, comments or feedback are welcome to contact The Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie: /

 *The COVID-19 crisis has made significant impacts in Grand Erie and around the world on business, livelihoods, and jobs. The Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie is working with our community partners to generate a picture of how the crisis has impacted jobs, industry and families in our region in order to inform local-level responses.


COVID-19 worker impact survey launched

COVID-19 worker impact survey launched

Today, the Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie, in partnership with Workforce Planning West, has launched the COVID-19 Worker Impact Survey to help inform the development of employment-related initiatives to respond to this crisis. 

The COVID-19 crisis has already made significant impacts in Grand Erie and around the world on business, livelihoods, and jobs. Using the survey, the Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie is aiming to generate a picture of how the crisis has impacted jobs and families in our region in order to inform local-level responses.

The survey, which will be active for 2 weeks, asks about the extent to which a worker’s employment status might have changed since March 2, 2020. The survey also asks workers about their occupation and the sector they work in, which will provide insight into which groups of workers have been most affected and in what ways.

The results of this survey will be published after the survey closes so that government, business and the community has a better understanding how the COVID-19 crisis has impacted the workforce and to better inform efforts and advocacy locally

The COVID-19 Worker Impact Survey can be accessed at:

The survey is active until Thursday, April 9, 2020.

We’re monitoring COVID-19’s impact on local labour market

We’re monitoring COVID-19’s impact on local labour market

COVID-19 is affecting almost everything, including the work we do as a community organization.

The Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie is working to stay on top of how COVID-19 is impacting local businesses, organizations and residents, including workers laid off or working from home.

We would like to hear from businesses in Brantford, Six Nations, New Credit, and the counties of Brant, Haldimand and Norfolk about COVID-19’s impact on them and their workforce.

Have you laid off workers? Have you had to stop or cut back production? Have you closed your business? Are you looking for workers?

We would also like to hear from employees who have been impacted: laid off, put on paid leave, working from home or are in an industry where working from home is not an option.

Workforce Planning Board staff are working remotely but are providing updates and news through our website and our social media channels. Our connect2SKILLS job training program will also be sharing updates through its social media channels.

Follow us on: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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